Saturday, December 21, 2013

Remembering HO 2013

Splitboy doubleparked on the sidewalk while beeing indoors drinking beers in HO Germany..

Reconstructing doors

The doors are coming together nicely. Lots of time was saved because of the nice parts i bought from Virtanen Restoration Panels

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Back from the dead

This has to be the most motivating blogpost I've written so far. Its hard to describe the feeling when you see the main parts of the car coming back together again. A voice in my head also said: You're crazy to put this amount of work into that pile of crap.. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Converting steering wheels

It seems like every project I start lasts for at least four years...I choose to blame family life for that:-)
I allways wanted to convert original Petri wheels the best possible way i could think of. Finally I came up with the idea you can see in the drawing. This schould be quite difficult to spot even from the backside. *Fürsten*

Split kab - update

Hi guys. Its been a long time since I made a post about my project, so here it is. Still a long way to go, but on the positive side - it has happend alot the last few months. *Fürsten*

Monday, December 09, 2013

Rallye fever

After attending the Petermax Muller Gedechtnis Rennen in the summer of 2013 a rallye fever suddenly struck up north. The Sechs Volt garage was suddenly right in the middle of it all. This leading up to the Flugplatz Scmutz Rennen, an all gravel fiesta for solid generator stand vw's. We will come back with more from the Petermax, Schmutz Rennen and some behind the scene details. The Sechs Volt Garage is tuning back in on the web...