Sunday, October 08, 2006

A barn and a split...

When travelling along the countryside, we always find ourselves looking to the left and right in addition to looking on the road. Could there be a beetle out there behind that small group of trees, or beside that barn...??
Oval55 and Oval57 found this split-window beetle up in the mountains while on the annual grouse hunting trip. Standing beside an abandoned barn, wrapped up in plastic, the unmistakable "brezel" was quite visible because of a hole in the cover..... Of course, we just HAD to take a little look.... :-)

The old gal seemed to have been standing outside in the grass for å very long time - based on the quite severe attacks of rust all around. Lots of parts were missing as well. But that isn't always the point, is it..? It is the dicovery that makes the experience....

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